Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I added Trialpay to the "All My Affiliate Programs" Page....Trialpay is incorporated into ACME's People Search Engine and I get commissions that way but today I got my FIRST Trialpay referral is a totally seperate thing so I added Trialpay seperate from ACME on that page of my mlog....

The "All My Affiliate Programs" page is for programs I have actually earned a commission from...If I haven't made money from them they dont get put on that page!!!

Today I did the usual ad placing and social network chit chatting....Had a slow day commissions wise....Bought 25000 hits of targeted traffic for a particular site as a test run. We'll see how that goes......

I'm currently living at Comfort Inn so my son and I spent time in the pool today and had some good fun!!

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