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To Make Sales You NEED Traffic!!!
If no one sees your pages who is going to make you money? You need to promote your pages. One of the easiest ways to do this is to buy TARGETED ...notice I STRESS TARGETED.... traffic.
Why Revisitors?
I say use REVISITORS because I have tried maybe 10-15 different other sources of traffic because they delivered more hits for less money.....BIG MISTAKE!!! there is a HUGE difference in the quality of traffic delivered, the customer service, and how many customers are ACTUALLY DELIVERED.
I've paid some companies to deliver hundreds of thousands of hits for a certain price only to receive a couple thousand....others I've paid for for traffic that TRICKLES in maybe 10 a day when it is supposed to be a steady even spread over time. 200,000 hits at 10 a day......hhhmmmmm ID BE DEAD before seeing em'.
Revisitors has been consistant EVERY TIME I'VE BOUGHT TRAFFIC and they guarantee the quality or your money back.
Their motto is try everyone else first and when they fail you try Revisitors...i found this to hold true....but dont take my word for it....Do it...go ahead and try all the rest....then give Revisitors a try.....You'll see.
Targeted Traffic is traffic from a specific category related to the content of your site. You can also buy untargeted traffic that is just traffic consisting of people not necessarily looking for your product.
Targeted Traffic costs more than Untargeted Traffic....but you will get more sales or better response from people looking for your product or service through TARGETED traffic.
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